
a full life

people seem to think that a Christian life means limitations, rules, and regulations. that a Christian is inhibited from "living to the fullest." but what is a full life? is it in the so-called "freedom" and carpe diem mentality this world advocates? is it in the existentialist mindset, that you make your own meaning? great goals to be sure, but the thing about this world is that most people simply desire the finite, the things that will come to pass. money, sex, drugs, and power can be just a few of the desired things. but in reality, why do we want these things? we want them because we believe they will make us happy. to have these things for their own sake is nothing; the control, happiness, security, or power we attain from them is everything.

so, when we look at these desires in this light, what can we say but that our desires have been shallow from the beginning? all we seem to want is control of our own lives, and control of our own happiness. and yet we can't help but get this nagging feeling that there is more than this, that we aren't really in control, that the goals stated above are unattainable. so what does God say in response to this? that yes, there is more. yes, there is hope. yes, there is joy and peace for those willing to set their eyes on higher things. we desire happiness and control, but God offers infinite joy and a secure life to us as Children of God, inheritors of the universe.

so maybe i'm mistaken, but i'm going to dare to dream. to look beyond my own security and happiness and see that there is a hope and a life that is full to the brim. the Christian life is not a life of limited desires and timidity, but a life of overflowing passion and bold joy.